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De 9h30 à 17h
The University of Chicago Center in Paris, and on-line
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Ajouter au Calendrier 02/17/2022 09:30 02/17/2022 17:30 Europe/Paris Biden - Year 1 CERSA - IUF - Law & Humanities The University of Chicago Center in Paris, and on-line false MM/DD/YYYY
CERSA - IUF - Law & Humanities

Conférence internationale organisée en collaboration avec l'Institut universitaire de France et Law & Humanities (Interdisciplinary studies in Law, Political Science, Economics and Culture) rattaché au CERSA (UMR 7106).

Organized by : Jennifer MERCHANT and Yvonne-Marie ROGEZ (Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas)


Moderators: Hamed JENDOUBI and Yvonne-Marie ROGEZ.

9.30 : Conference Launch by Jennifer MERCHANT

9.45-10.10 : Nicolas AUDIGNON (Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas)
Biden’s first 100 days: Can we already assess the President’s Term? 

10.10-10.35 : Hamed JENDOUBI (Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas)
“It won’t be a bit like the army”: The Biden Administration’s Response to the COVID 19 Pandemic and the Limits of Executive Power

Discussion / Coffee break

11.05-11.30 : Mary FITZGERALD (Non-Resident Scholar, Middle East Institute, Washington DC)
Missing In Action? Biden and the Middle East

11.30-11.55 : Martin QUENEZ (German Marshall Fund/Security and Defense Program)
Biden and Europe: The Difficult Renewal of Transatlantic Relations

Discussion / Lunch

Moderator Jennifer MERCHANT (Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas)

14.00-14.25 : Phil HOSTAK (Lawyer, specializing in civil rights, labor rights, and constitutional litigation)
“Will this Institution Survive the Stench?”: The Roberts Court and the Rhetoric of Institutional Legitimacy

14.25-14.50 : Michael STAMBOLIS-RUHSTORFER (Université Bordeaux Montaigne)
CRT & Queer Theory & Woke, Oh My! Moral Panics and Rightwing Politics in 2021

14.50-15.15 : Amélie RIBIERAS (Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas)
Achieving Gender Equality: President Biden’s Plan for Women and Families


15.45-16.10 : Jennifer MERCHANT and Yvonne-Marie ROGEZ (Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas)
Tethered or Not Tethered: Viability, Parental Autonomy and Reproductive Rights

16.10-16.35 : Audrey CELESTINE (Université de Lille)
Identity Politics in Biden’s America


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Pour assister à la conférence, l'inscription via le formulaire en ligne est obligatoire.

Plan d'accès

The University of Chicago Center in Paris, and on-line
Adresse : University of Chicago Center in Paris, 6 rue Thomas Mann 75013 Paris